Master in Arabic Language and Literature

University of Bahrain (UOB) Masters

Program Overview




2 to 4 Years


BHD5,040.00 BHD


The higher diploma and master program in Arabic language and literature gained the trust of Education and Quality Authority in the academic year of 2017 � 2018. The program, one of the distinctive programs at the university of Bahrain, is equivalent to its counterparts at regional universities that are globally recognized. A group of specialists in the Arabic language and literature graduated from the program; some of them become influential in their academic and regional milieus. The wide range of the courses, encompassing linguistics, literature, and criticism, has contributed rigorously to establishing academically students� skills. The teaching load is conducted by academicians, from different Arab nationalities, experienced in research, teaching, and supervision. The higher diploma and master program in Arabic language and literature encompasses courses that are of theoretical nature and application; it enhances the student�s experiences in writing a research report.

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A. DIPLOMA PROGRAMME Admission to the Diploma Programme will require: a. a candidate to have a BA degree in English from the University of Bahrain or a university recognized by the University of Bahrain; b. a candidate to have a GPA of at least 2.67 or above (on a 4-point scale), or an equivalent grade according to another evaluation system; c. a candidate to have achieved one of the following: � a Paper Based TOEFL score of at least 550 � a Computer Based TOEFL score of at least 213 � an Internet Based (TOEFL-iBT) TOEFL score of 79 � an IELTS (academic) score of 6 a. a candidate to pass an interview by a panel made up of the Department Head and those members of the Department�s faculty involved in delivering one or more of the courses in the programme; b. a candidate to pass a writing test in order to satisfy the panel that his or her ability in writing is adequate for postgraduate study at the University of Bahrain; c. a candidate to present two recommendation letters from his or her former professors 1. ADMISSION OF POST-GRADUATE DIPLOMA HOLDERS Admission of post-graduate diploma holders to the MA Programme will require: a. a candidate to have the Diploma in Applied English Language Studies from the University of Bahrain; b. a candidate to have a GPA of at least 3.0 in the Diploma; c. no more than two years to have elapsed since the candidate�s completion of the requirements for the Diploma. 2. ADMISSION OF BA HOLDERS Admission to of students with only a BA degree will require: a. a student to have satisfied all the requirements for admission to the Diploma Programme b. a candidate to have a GPA of at least 2.67 or above (on a 4-point scale) in his or her BA degree, or an equivalent grade according to another evaluation system.