Master of Architecture

University of Bahrain (UOB) Masters

Program Overview




2 to 4 Years


5040 BHD


The essential characteristic of the Master�s Program in Architecture is that it lays a general foundation for advanced studies in Architecture and allied fields in the first semester by exposing the students to a deeper level of understanding in Architecture, Research, Research Methodologies and Writing. Through the selection and completion of a Comprehensive Design Project, Research Project and a number of electives, it offers the opportunities for a student to acquire knowledge and skills in a specialized discipline. The students can strengthen the skills so acquired by means of the completion of research publications. The program is offered over full three-semester duration and therefore can be completed within 1.5 years of studies. (This is the period preferred by the prospective students). It offers 7 specializations as follows. However, at any given year, only one specialization will be offered based on demand and availability of expertise: 1. Housing 2. Urban Design 3. Construction Technologies 4. Digital Design 5. Sustainability 6. Interior Architecture 7. Landscape Architecture

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